We offer the very best services in our field. We never settle for second best, and always have your satisfaction as our top priority. It’s who we are, and we are proud of it. Our mission is to provide an unparalleled customer experience through superior customer service, communication and transparency.
Nick Bennett started
Precision Disposal
originally, fittingly, in the home-town of the United States, Plymouth MA.
Precision Disposal was originally meant to showcase the power of SEO (search engine optimization) via his Digital Marketing Company
Precision Digital Solutions by starting a company from the ground up with nothing but a presence on the internet. No ads, no logos, no contacts, prior industry experience.
The growth was explosive, quickly needed a second driver and truck within 6 months of operation. From there Nick and Jesse Roberts opened a second location in Port St Lucie Florida. See below for more
Precision Disposal is the premier service provider. We out hustle everyone else who provides any type of service via superior communication, transparency, and customer care
After starting Precision Disposal in MA it caught the attention of a former colleague and friend Jesse Roberts. While serving clients, Nick had been building systems for marketing, administration and daily operation of the dumpster rig (Standard of Work/SOP).
In its infancy phase, the two partnered on opening a Precision Disposal in Florida based in Port St. Lucie with a couple of basic goals.
1) Blow customers out of the water with unparallel service
2) Get Jesse out of his corporate job that was consuming virtually of his time
3) Prove the model (marketing, servicing and producing) was repeatable and the standards of work applicable across state lines. The biggest challenge however came in bridging the gap between startup, and keeping income where it needed to be. From there Britney (Jesse's wife) was the hero. Britney, who's driving experience maxed out with a Ford Expedition, had never driven a combination vehicle, let alone operated a dumpster truck.
We applied the marketing strategies, training to the standard of work, and we were off to the races in a few short months. Britney, Nick and Jesse shared the load of launching Precision Disposal of South Florida, providing dumpster rentals throughout St Lucie County, together while Jesse continued at his corporate job, Britney would drive and schedule work, while the 3 of them fielded calls and Jesse working nights and weekends to fill in where Britney could not as she also managed the daily going's on of having 3 very active pre-teen young daughters. Nick was doing this while operating his branch in MA, running his small digital agency, and introducing his second child in to the world. To say it was easy would be FAR from the truth.
5 months after the equipment arrived PDSFL was earning enough to support Jesse's exit from the corporate world, and focus then shifted to process and procedure refinement, and bringing this opportunity to others.
Business ownership is scary, risky, and not for the faint at heart. There are some bleak bleak days, and through the thick of it, all responsibility falls to the owner. Few operate with this level of responsibility in their day jobs, and even those who do, experience a whole new level of weight when it truly is theirs to own. The only way one can take on such a daring risk is to have a big enough "Why". Why are you perusing business ownership. It cannot be for money, and cannot be for selfish reasons, it has to be in the pursuit of something bigger than any individual.
Since then, Precision Disposal has also evolved in to disaster and emergency response for dumpster services. Our first large mobilization was in response to Hurricane Ian on the SWFL Coast- as a result of our work, dedication to restoring normalcy and commitment to our core values, a new branch was formed in Fort Myers FL.
In 2023 alone Precision Disposal has mobilized for emergency dumpster services for the Vermont flooding, from our MA branch, and for Hurricane Idalia disaster relief in Crystal River FL from our Fort Myers location.
Our Unique approach, dedication and commitment to disaster relief is seen and felt by sending dedicated dumpsters, trucks and people, but what is seldom overlooked is the preparation and work behind the scenes to ensure we are 100% reliable.
With over 50 years of combined customer service experience at the helm, Precision Disposal is about blowing customers minds, elevating what customer service means, and when executed properly, deliver a better quality of life for our operators that they get to be in control of.
Our sights are set on the future and bringing this business model to others in the most efficient and cleanest way possible to allow for others to experience personal and professional growth via the Precision Disposal brand
Dumpster Rentals by Precision Disposal LLC. & Its Partners. Each Location is Individually Owned and Operated